Laparoscopic Surgery

Minimally invasive surgery is a type of surgery that uses special tools designed to decrease the size of incisions and reduce how much the body’s tissues get damaged. One kind of minimally invasive surgery involves the use of a “scope,” a viewing device that allows surgeons to look inside the body without opening it up all the way. There are several different types of scopes, but they all work in about the same way.

They consist of a long, thin tube with a tiny camera and a light on the end. The camera sends pictures of the inside of the body to a TV screen. When doing this type of surgery, the surgeon makes a small incision just big enough for the scope to fit through. They also make two or more other incisions that slim tools can fit through. These tools include clamps, scissors, and stitching devices, which the surgeon can control from outside the body. While looking at the picture on the screen, the surgeon uses those tools to do the operation. Their names are based on the body parts that are involved.

Laparoscopes are used in the belly for “laparoscopic surgery.” (“Lapara” is Greek for the space between the bottom of the rib cage and the hips.) This type of surgery can be used to remove the gallbladder, appendix, or uterus, or to do lots of other different procedures.Laparoscopy is also known as key hole surgery. The surgeon can do all the surgical procedures through a small incision on the abdomen. The first incision is on the belly button. The other two or three incisions are much smaller (0.5 cm) on different areas of the abdomen.

This type of surgery makes recovery easier. That’s because: it usually involves 3 small wounds, rather than one big one and the organs don’t get moved around as much. Despite all of the differences with regular surgery, minimally invasive surgery is still surgery. People who have it do have some pain, they do often need stitches, and they can develop infections or other problems because of the surgery.

Laparoscopic Surgeon

Laparoscopy can be performed if there is a surgeon available with enough experience doing this type of surgery. Why the person needs surgery. (As an example, people who need surgery to remove very large cancers cannot always have minimally invasive procedures.) and what other health problems the person might have (As an example, people who have serious heart or lung problems cannot tolerate minimally invasive surgery.) are determining factors whether or not to prefer laparoscopy.

Even when a person starts out having minimally invasive surgery, there’s no guarantee that the surgery will stay that way. Sometimes surgeons start out doing minimally invasive surgery and then switch to open surgery because they find something unexpected. This doesn’t mean the surgeon has done anything wrong. It is usually done to protect the person’s safety.

Laparoscopy is way of entering the abdomen. And many different surgeries can be performed with this route of surgery. In women with gynecological problems;

  • Hysterectomy (to do a total laparoscopic hysterectomy, the doctor inserts a tiny camera and tools through small cuts in the belly. Then they remove the uterus in a bag through one of the cuts in the belly. Sometimes, doctors use the tools that are inserted through the belly, but remove the uterus through the vagina. Robotic hysterectomy is a variation of laparoscopic myomectomy where the surgical procedure is aided by a surgical robot.)
  • Myomectomy (Laparoscopic myomectomy uses several small incisions in the stomach. A doctor uses thin instruments and a camera (laparoscope) to remove the fibroids. The fibroid can then be removed through a bigger incision or broken into smaller pieces for removal (“morcellation”).
  • Adnexial masses,
  • Benign ovarian mass removal,
  • Tubal pathologies,
  • Paratubal cysts,
  • Adhesions,
  • Endometriosis and endometrioma removal (In endometriosis laparoscopic surgery, a doctor will make a small cut in the belly and put a tube with a camera inside the body. Then they can see and remove endometriosis tissue.)
  • Adenomyosis surgery can be performed by laparoscopic surgery.

For the patient the pain after the surgery is very low and the patient can be discharged from the hospital on the same day or the day after surgery. It is cosmetic because the incisions are very small. The rate of infections after laparoscopy is very low.

In some cases in gynecology, laparoscopy is performed in the same session with hysteroscopy.Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy for infertility can be performed in the same session for diagnosis and/or  treatment. Diagnostic laparoscopy may provide valuable information in infertility patients. Hysteroscopes are another type of scopes used in the uterus and vagina for “hysteroscopic surgery.” (“Hystera” is Greek for uterus.) This type of surgery can be used to remove abnormal growths in the uterus, or to do a number of different procedures on the uterus and vagina.


When laparoscopy is performed on the same session with hysteroscopy surgery, more information is gained about the reproductive organs and more than one problem/pathology can be solved simultaneously. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy surgery are usually performed in infertile cases. Tubal pathologies are easily diagnosed and treated by laparoscopy. When the problems are solved, getting pregnant after laparoscopy and hysteroscopy is easier.

The bleeding after laparoscopy when performed with hysteroscopy simultaneously, can last up to 10-15 days. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy during period is not preferred because hysteroscopic camera view is not possible. The periods after laparoscopy will be regular. In some cases the dating will change that depends on the type of surgery performed.

Laparoscopy Cost

Laparoscopy for infertility cost is not too much. The cost might increase when laparoscopy and hysteroscopy are performed at the same time.